want to join us?

Would you like to be a part of Wonderful Women Week 2013? Fantastic! You're in!

Download the "WWW Event Registration Form" .pdf, then print it off, fill it in and return it to us no later than February 15, 2013. This will let us know what you're planning to do in your workplace or organization to celebrate, so we can post the information right here on our site and promote it through social media.

Our only requirement is that your event is a positively-charged celebration of women, and that you choose a woman-supportive charity to raise funds and awareness for during the week. 

We will be sending out information and ideas on how to create a successful event; if you would like to be on this mailing list, please let us know when you register your celebration!

Live online interaction via webcam is in the works, as well ~ our vision is to connect all of our celebrations in this way, allowing us to share the experience as a community, virtual or otherwise! We welcome participants from other parts of Canada (and everywhere else), too!