need inspiration?

Do you want to participate in WWW 2013? Drawing a blank on ideas? No problem! Check out our list of suggestions to get your creative juices flowing. We would love to have you share your ideas and help us add to our collection.

  • "Wonderful Women in the Spotlight" – have participants gather with pictures or signs featuring their wonderful women, and display them for group photos/videos to post on YouTube and other sites
  • screening of documentaries of inspirational women through the week
  • meal deal at participating restaurants
  • incentive to drive traffic to merchants, etc. who are involved – such as a scavenger hunt with clues pertaining to historic women
  • show/sale featuring art by local women 
  • concerts featuring local female musicians or other live performances
  • school challenges – art/writing/other creative projects honoring wonderful women in the students' lives
  • seminars/workshops for women (holistic healing, nutrition, pampering parties, arts & crafts etc.)
  • ladies’ night at local restaurants/dance clubs
  • participate with local radio stations to coordinate WWW/IWD-themed shows and interviews
  • a special platform for men – a space where they can share stories of special women who have inspired them
  • a women’s writing spotlight in local media (newspapers, online media)
  • inspirational women of the future – feature young women in your community who are making a difference
  • showcase women entrepreneurs